
Assigning a Menu to a Sequence

When you are creating a Sequence Experience, you have the option of adding the Menu Experiences from your system to the Sequence. So when the appropriate step in the Sequence is reached, the Menu Experience would be displayed.

What is a Sequence Experience?

Sequence Experience – with this type of experience, you define the URL that will be accessed when someone taps the tag.  You can define a single URL that will be accessed each time a tag is tapped or you can define a “sequence” of websites that would be accessed with successive taps of the tag.  Tap […]

Creating a Sequence Experience

A Sequence in DIRX2 is used to connect internet content to a tag. Inside of DIRX2, select “Experiences” the Navbar on the . After you select Experience, select Sequence from the  dropdown underneath. Click on the green button Create Sequence at the top of the panel. Enter a name for Experience Name and description for […]